UC Irvine Role Documentary Genre Plays to Represent the Unimaginable & Unfathomable Essay – coursefighter.com
UC Irvine Role Documentary Genre Plays to Represent the Unimaginable & Unfathomable Essay – coursefighter.com
Humanities – coursefighter.com
In order to make such an argument, you should (at a minimum) consider two of the assigned works from this quarter (Night and Fog, Shoah, Hiroshima, Patrimony, and accompanying essays), taking into account the genre of each work, the choices the authors/directors make, and the effect those choices/genre have on the representation of the unfathomable event. Your should consider how, why, and for what purpose those choices were made, which will provide the foundation for an argument that understands the complexities (and perhaps impossibilities) of representing unfathomable events, and how genre provides a way to begin approaching such work.
!!!”Unfathombale”:to describe things that we—humans—can’t really understand or imagine, such as the Holocaust, or a nuclear bomb, or dying, or climate change, or how big the universe is, and so on.
- In addition to the minimum of two sources from our course, you may also draw upon other sources, some of which we may look at later in the quarter, including: manga, graphic novels, film (not documentary), fiction, poetry, and drama. If you are interested in these other types of work, please email me and I can help direct you to other sources.
- For your final draft you should draw on at least ten sources, several of which should be scholarly/academic.
- 1,500-2,000 words