Texas A & M University Development and Change Journal Entry – coursefighter.com

Texas A & M University Development and Change Journal Entry – coursefighter.com

Business Finance – coursefighter.com

Unless the instructions for a given module say otherwise, journal entries should be 1/2 to 1 page long (single spaced, approximately 250-500 words) and should feature quality writing with thoughtful reflection that integrates the following three things:

(1) the material from an ELIGIBLE reading (see schedule for eligible readings), plus

(2) your own personal practice and awareness, and

(3) a specific organizational context.Note that you do not need extensive workplace experience to have an applicable organization–“organization” could also include your own family, your church, this or another university, etc.

Again, unless entry-specific instructions say otherwise, I will expect to see all three of these things in each entry.A journal entry should never be a mere summary of the reading upon which it is based.

Read the Journal pages and write an entry.

Please see the attached sample journal entry to get an idea of what a good entry looks like.

Please be sure that you post your entries to the correct Journal Entry number, and that you base your entries on an appropriate assigned reading listed in the schedule for each module.If more than one reading is listed as eligible for journal entry for that module, please choose only ONE (1) of these for your entry–whichever you prefer.

Unless otherwise specified, all journal entries are due by the end of the Module in which they are assigned.

Unless otherwise specified in the schedule for this module, the title of your journal entry should be the title of the reading upon which it is based.Do not name them “journal #1,” “entry 1,” “module 1,” etc.
