Story/author –
Story/author –
Writing –
1)Summary of the story
2)About the author
a.Biographical information and relevant context—in other words, what contributed to the author’s development, the author’s ideas/views, the author’s voice?
-Where is the author from?
b. The writer’s views on writing in their own words
Writers often leave traces of their views on their craft. Check the following:
-Books they have written on creative writing or literature
-Diaries they have kept and that have since been published
-Interviews they have completed withThe Paris Review, The New Yorker, or another top-tier publication
-Interviews they have completed with smaller journals or other writers
-Essays they have published
3) 5/6 Questions posed in order to encourage deeper contemplation of the text/story, and encourage its connection to other cultural events, broader life.
4) references