Read the following Mergers and acquisitions and write an editorial –
Read the following Mergers and acquisitions and write an editorial –
Business Finance –
Read the following synopses. Write a 100 to 500 word evaluation/editorial for each synopsis in one document.Comment on the following Did s/he address each point (a through g) adequately, why or why not? Based on the explanation provided, did s/he correctly classify the transaction (points b through g) why or why not? Should be like an editorial.
- Provide a brief summary of the target firm and acquiring firm involved in the transaction.
- Was the transaction a merger or a consolidation? Explain.
- Was the transaction a horizontal, vertical, or conglomerate acquisition? Explain.
- Was the transaction funded with cash, stock, or both? What was the total value of the acquisition (i.e. how much did it cost the acquiring firm)? Explain.
- What was the stock price reaction for the target firm and the acquiring firm when the deal was first announced? We know how mergers affect the value of target firms and acquiring firms on average. Was this transaction consistent with the average change in values? Explain.
- Was the transaction friendly or hostile? Explain. If it was hostile, what takeover defenses did the target firm employ? Explain.
- What were the stated synergies that the acquisition was supposed to achieve? Classify each stated synergy as one or more of the following: marketing gains, strategic benefits, market power, economy of scale, economy of vertical integration, technology transfer, complementary resources, elimination of inefficient management, tax gains from net operating losses, tax gains from debt capacity, tax gains from surplus funds, and reduced capital requirements.