Read case and answer questions in assignment –
Read case and answer questions in assignment –
Business Finance –
Read case and answer these questions in 750 words for assignment:
#19. Mark Morris is a professor at Enormous State University. Every morning
he greets the department secretary, Mollie Bloom, by saying, “Hello, sexy!”
Bloom has become increasingly annoyed by Morris’s comments, but
whenever she complains to Gilman, the department chair, he ignores her
complaints or tells her she needs to develop a sense of humor.
1. Does Bloom have a legitimate complaint of sexual harassment?
2. Would the university be held liable for Morris’ conduct?
3. What outstanding facts would you want to know before taking action
against any employees? Explain.
#17. Stith, Inc. operates a small manufacturing plant. In order to upgrade its
workforce, Stith’s human resources manager decides as of January 1, 2009,
to adopt a requirement that the company will only hire applicants with a high
school diploma or equivalent. Previously, Stith had only required applicants to
complete a simple aptitude test, and a number of current employees are not
high school graduates.
1. Does the new requirement raise any problems under Title VII? Explain.
#20. HomeCare provides healthcare aides who work in the homes of its
clients, who are generally elderly or disabled persons. Some of the clients are
bedridden and require total personal care. HomeCare screens applicants for
employment by using a strength test—the applicants must be able to lift a
dummy weighing 150 pounds. The strength test disqualifies most female
applicants, as well as a majority of Asian and Hispanic male applicants.
1. What must HomeCare do to show that the strength test has validity under
the Uniform Guidelines?
2. Should HomeCare use a construct validity, a content validity, or a criterion-
related validity approach for the strength test? Explain.