Jack Ma Entrepreneurship and Technology Case Study Report – coursefighter.com

Jack Ma Entrepreneurship and Technology Case Study Report – coursefighter.com

Business Finance – coursefighter.com

Complete the template and write a report (1500 words), the template will not count to the word count.

I choose Jack Ma as the entrepreneur. So focus on technology entrepreneurship.

PART A: Case study(1000 words)

Each student in the group will develop a case study on an international entrepreneur (Jack Ma) from a country( China) of their choice with a specific focus (eg technology). (Therefore if you are assigned technology entrepreneurship, you will find an international entrepreneur who is a technology entrepreneur also). Information gathered on the entrepreneur and their firm should be entered on the research template provided and submitted with the case study. 1000 words maximum excluding references.


-What is this case study about?

-Who is entrepreneur?

2. background (100 words)

-A brief history of this entrepreneur and ventures

3. motivational theories

-What motivated him/her to set up this venture? *use selective motivational theories

-What type of entrepreneurial approach and attitude? *use effectuation theories

-Any family influence? * use familial entrepreneurship theories

4. Failure+success+lessons learn

– what can we learn from this case study?

B. PART B (THEMES)(500 words)

Student will then prepare and submit a second part for this assignment, where they are required to identify the main International Entrepreneurship themes emerging from the case study, and how the focal international entrepreneur and their firm confirm/disconfirm the relevant International Entrepreneurship literature, 500 words maximum excluding references

  • Tell us what your choice of theme
  • Define the theme using citations
  • Relate technology/social entrepreneurship with your entrepreneur
  • Does the literature/ theories agree or disagree?e.g. xxx mentioned that most entrepreneurs own a good degree. But Jack Ma didn’t have a good degree. So disagree.

Reference 10-15

Havard reference

E.g.citation :(Siegel, 2005)

Siegel C., 2005, Internet Marketing, Foundations and Applications, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, New York
