global economics –

global economics –

Business Finance –

1.Why might a large country like the United States have a greater incentive than a small country to use trade restrictions?

2.How can political factors explain variation in trade restrictions across U.S. industries?

3.Build a case for and against non-reciprocity principles in developing countries. Be sure to provide a comprehensive rationale for each position and examples.

4.Do you think that it is ever possible to obtain a good indication of the precise degree of protection accorded by a country to its import-substitute industries? Why or why not? (Remember that, in addition to tariffs, protection is also pro- vided by various nontariff barriers.)

5.The analysis in this book has heretofore indicated that all participating countries gain from international trade.If this is so, why do some observers argue that trade can actually contribute to underdevelopment in LDCs?

6.A dollar appreciation against the Swiss franc is no guarantee that the dollar will “go further” than it previously did in acquiring Swiss goods. Do you agree? Explain.

All questions are related to global economics and just need a paragraph answer with 3 to 5 lines and references.