Excel Ch. 2 Lab Project – Capstone Excercise – coursefighter.com

Excel Ch. 2 Lab Project – Capstone Excercise – coursefighter.com

Business Finance – coursefighter.com

Excel Ch. 2 Lab Project – Capstone Excercis

  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • In YOUR LAB SECTION, Complete the Capstone Exercise on page 133 (page 197 of the Excel textbook).

You must download (right click and select ‘Save Link As…’ or ‘Save Target As…’) the attached file called ‘e02c1ClassRing.xlsm’ to start the project (make sure to save it someplace that you can get to it later eg. U:/ drive).

After you are done, you need to submit your completed workbook file in Blackboard. To do this, click on the “Excel Ch. 2 Lab Project – Capstone Exercise” link and then use the “Attach File” functionality to attach your file for submission.

Make sure that your submitted file is named “e02c1 ClassRing _LastnameFirstname.xlsm” as specified in the instructions (subsitute your last name and first name).

AFTER YOU HAVE SUBMITTED IT, check to make sure it was successfully submitted. If it was not, you can submit it again.

