English essay writing – coursefighter.com

English essay writing – coursefighter.com

Writing – coursefighter.com


Write a short essay (750 words)that defends a thesis you developed through a close critical reading/analysis of one (or two)works listed in the Week 2 and 3 modules. The critical responseessay relies on textual support from the primary text (secondary sources are not required)– not plot summary to develop the students argument. Do not confuse critical analysiswith plot summary”;the goal is to develop,sustain,and advance a thesis based on a critique of the primary text. Some potential topics are listed below:

What impact does the point of view in Alice Walker’s “Everyday Use” have on a readers’ understanding of and reaction to both Dee and Maggie?

Format. In an academic community that communicates effectively,proper formatting is a mark both of ones ability to follow instructions and of ones willingness to interact with ones colleagues in an accepted,mutually understandable manner. Therefore,it is important that you follow proper MLA format in producing your texts,particularly as you cite your sources. Failure to do so will lower your grade.
