dynamics of orrganisation- COURSE FIGHTER | coursefighter.com
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dynamics of orrganisation- COURSE FIGHTER | coursefighter.com
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As mostly of the HR recent researches state, recognition is the key to motivation. I believe that by recognizing people working and reporting to me I can get better results with their performances. As a project manager for a labor and installation company, I have to manage many crews that install racking for our company and the best results and performance reports come from those that are actively receiving acknowledgement from top management and from me.
According to Gallup’s analysis, only one in three workers in the U.S. strongly agree that they received recognition or praise for doing good work in the past seven days. At any given company, it’s not uncommon for employees to feel that their best efforts are routinely ignored. Further, employees who do not feel adequately recognized are twice as likely to say they’ll quit in the next year (Gallup, 2016).
Furthermore, employees receiving strong recognition are much more likely to generate innovations and increased efficiency at work. Impressively, employees report that recognition is more effective at increasing their engagement, performance, and innovation than an additional bonus of five percent of their salary.
When we can be straight and transparent it also makes a difference on followers’ behavior. Because people can understand de motives of their work, they feel part of something and they are usually more engaged when they sense that what they do really matters. That is why a manager with leadership skills can actually persuade his or her followers to perform better or more efficiently.
How will you motivate those that you work with, or those that report to you?
Right now, I am just an entry level manager, and since English is not my mother language, it is kinds of hard to motivate others. But from the communication experience with my senior manager, I believe I can conclude some tips for how to motive those work for you.
First of all, employees are people, they have family, they have dreams, and they can meet many difficulties despite their jobs. Understanding them is more important than telling them what to do. Like my senior manager just know I am from China, I cannot live with my family, so he will invite me to his house and celebrate some Chinese festival. It makes me feel like he cares about me, and I can trust him, so I hope I can be a good employee for him.
Secondly, make them feel the job is for them, not for the employer or the company. This can be tricky, like you may tell your employee, if you can let the company reduce the cost, or earn more customers, you can have more bonus. The goal is to give them enough passion for the job, not the pressure to complete the mission.
Are the unspoken terms in the psychological contract subject to manipulation by an astute manager?
I am not quite sure if my unspoken terms have ever been manipulated. I guess some of astute managers can do that, but I would not like my boss to treat me like that, it makes me feel he doesn’t respect me.