Different plants and 5 Different animals – coursefighter.com
Different plants and 5 Different animals – coursefighter.com
Science – coursefighter.com
Different plants and 5 Different animals
The assignment requires you to go to a local open space area to make observations about the ecosystem and
the organisms that live there. You will use those observations to identify the organisms found in
the community, make a food web, and consider how changes to the climate could alter the
community of organisms that live there. To assess the work you have done, you will need to
write up a report and include all of the information you have gathered (including photos of the
identified organisms). The report must also include all answers for all of the assignment
All steps detailed below must completed to receive full credit. If you skip any steps you will only
receive credit for the work you have completed.
1) Pick a local open space preserve or county/state park. It needs to be a park that has wild
areas with native plants and animals around. Developed community parks with mowed lawns
and cultivated trees won’t work for this assignment. Identify the kind of ecosystem you are
visiting: Desert, chaparral, mountain forest, riparian.…etc
Some options are:
Mission Trails Regional Park
Rose Canyon Open Space Park
Otay Open Space Preserve
San Diego Bay National Wildlife Refuge (semi-aquatic/coastal ecosystem)
Torrey Pines State Reserve / La Jolla Shores (if you want to do an aquatic ecosystem!)
Point Loma/Cabrillo National Monument
Black Mountain Open Space Park
Anza Borrego State Park
Cuyamaca Rancho State Park