AJS524 Baylor University Trends in Cybercrime Paper – coursefighter.com

AJS524 Baylor University Trends in Cybercrime Paper – coursefighter.com

Humanities – coursefighter.com

Select a current computer-crime trend.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper that describes a cybercrime trend that society is confronted with today. Within the paper, address the following key elements:

  • What types of scams are associated with the cybercrime?
  • What might the profile be for a cybercriminal who commits this type of cybercrime?
  • What are law enforcement initiatives to combat this crime?
  • What are penalties for committing these crimes?

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

include a title page, page headers and numbers, in text citations, paragraph headings,reference page,proper grammer, no plagiarism
