2023 scano123 2017 03 06 00 21 Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 451 RN Capstone Course Capstone Project Milestone 1 Practice Issue

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2023 scano123 2017 03 06 00 21 Chamberlain College of Nursing NR 451 RN Capstone Course Capstone Project Milestone 1 Practice Issue – Course Fighter


2017-03-06 00:21 

Chamberlain College of NursingNR 451RN Capstone Course

Capstone Project Milestone 1:

Practice Issue and Evidence Summary Guidelines


Clear identification of the practice issue is the first step in evidence-based nursing. Next, the evidence is reviewed to determine the best intervention to change practice outcomes. Completion of the milestone will include identification of the practice issue using the ACE Star model of Knowledge Transformation and a review of the evidence that will support an intervention that will change outcomes. The evidence summary will be conducted through the ‘breaking down’ of a systematic review on your topic for your change project.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes: 

• CO4: Develops and outlines a scientific, systematic decision-making process to integrate critical thinking with clinical judgment to assure safe and effective outcomes. (PO #4)


• CO8: Selects evidence for best practice when planning professional nursing care for individuals, families, aggregates, and communities. (PO #8)

Due Dates

Milestone #1 consists of the completion of two worksheets (Practice Issue Worksheet) and (Evidence Summary Worksheet). Submit the completed worksheets to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 3.


Milestone #1 is worth 175 points (75 points for the Practice Issue and 100 points for the Evidence Summary).

Practice Issue Worksheet Directions

1. Practice Issue Worksheet: 
a. Read the guidelines including the grading rubrics below.  You will use this worksheet to document the practice issue presented and approved by your instructor in the Week 2 Discussions.  
i. Your practice issue will be the same for all three Milestone assignments in this course. 
b. Please type your answers directly into the worksheet.


Evidence Summary Worksheet Directions

2. Evidence Summary Worksheet
a. Read the guidelines including the grading rubrics below.  You will use this worksheet to incorporate your evidence summary into your Week 4 Milestone 2 assignment. 
b. Find a systematic review article in the Chamberlain library on your topic. Your Systematic Review Article must be peer-reviewed and include a narrative summary.
i. Go to the Chamberlain Library, click on RNBSN; NR451 Capstone course. You can find systematic reviews from many databases within the library, or by searching from the library homepage main search bar. 
ii. To search, combine the phrase ‘systematic review’ with your topic using the Boolean search operator AND. For example, if you are looking for a systematic review on fall prevention, you would use this Boolean search phrase: systematic review AND fall prevention. 
c. Type in your practice issue in the search tab; choose a systematic review article with a narrative summary to complete your worksheet.   
d. Please type your answers directly into the worksheet.


Grading Criteria: Practice issue





Practice issue statement, scope of practice, practice area



Identifies a Practice issue statement that is an independent nursing decision. 

Describes the scope of practice issues.

Example: The number of falls in your facility has been increasing, especially during shift change. What do you believe may be causing this? Are there any new interventions that could be put into place that would lessen or eliminatethe falls? This is where you begin your initial search into the problem or practice issue identified. 

Identifies the practice area.

Practice issue identification, rationale for selections



Identifies how rationale behind how the practice issue was selected as a practice issue/problem

Documents the practice issue in a logical manner.

Types of evidence to gather, rationale for selections



Identifies and documents types of evidence that must be gathered for review of the Practice Issue.

Describes rationale for each type of evidence that is selected.


75 points




Grading Rubric: Practice Issue

Assignment Criteria

A (100%)



Outstanding or highest level of performance

B (88%)



Very good or high level of performance

C (80%)



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

NI (38%)

Needs Improvement

Poor or failing level of performance

F (0%)



Unsatisfactory level of performance

Practice issue statement, scope of practice, practice area

20 points

Practice issue is identified

Practice issue is an independent nursing decision.

Scope of practice issue is fully described

Practice area identified. 

20 points 

Practice Issue is identified but is not clear.

Practice issue is an independent nursing decision. 

Scope of practice issue is described in simple terms

Practice area identified.


Practice Issue is identified but is not clearly related to a nursing practice issue

Practice Issue isnot an independent nursing decision.

Scope of practice issue is described but is not logical in comparison to Practice Issue described.

Practice area identified. 


Practice Issue is unclear.

Practice Issue is not an independent nursing decision.

Scope of practice issue is not described. 

Practice area identified. 

8 points 

Practice Issue isnot identified; practice issue is not an independent nursing decision; scope of practice issue is not described; practice area is not identified.

0 points 

Practice issue identification, rationale for selections

35 points

Documents how the practice issue was identified

Rationale for responses islogical anddescribed thoroughly

35 points 

Documents howthe practice issue was identified

Rationale for responses islogical and brieflydescribed.

33 points 

Documents howthe practice issue was identified

Rationale for responses issomewhat logical and vaguely described.

30 points 

Vaguely describes how the practice issue was identified

Rationale for responses issomewhat logical and vaguely described. 

15 points 

Does not document how the practice issue was identified. 

Rationale is not completed.

This section of the form is blank.

0 points 

Types of evidence to gather, rationalefor selections

20 points 

Identifies and documents what types of evidence is needed for review. 

Thoroughlydescribes rationale for all checked types of evidence selected.

20 points 

Identifies and documents what types of evidence is needed for review.

Briefly describesrationale for all checked types of evidence selected

18 points 

Identifies and documents what types of evidence is needed but includes only a minimum description for rationale for selected evidence. 

16 points 

Does not document more than one type of evidence that is needed for reviewand does not include rationale for selected type of evidence


Does not document types of evidence orrationale. 

0 points 

Total Points Possible = 75 points



Grading Criteria: Evidence Summary





Practice Problem 



States practice problem in own words, with reference to the population, setting, and magnitude and in measurable terms.

Describes practice setting in measureable terms

Example: Consider the example given in the evidence summary above. The setting is the long term care facility where falls have been increasing and a trend has been identified that it seems to occur mainly during shift changeWhat do you believe may be causing this? What can be done to lessen or eliminate the falls? How does this number of falls relate to other months that have been tracked?

Source of evidence



Identifies a source of evidence that is nursing topic that is the subject of a systematic review article

Identifies search terms.

Provides a complete reference for the systematic review article.

Objectives of the article/Statement of questions



Identifies the objectives of the article.

Identifies questions being addressed by author/s.

Explains relationship to your practice issue.

Interventions/Main findings summary



Summarizes, in own words, suggested interventions by the author/s to improve patient outcomes.

Summarizes main findings of the author/s including strength of evidence for each main outcome.

Describes the relevance to the Milestone 2 paper.

Evidence-based solutions and limitations



Outlines evidence-based solutions to consider for the capstone project.

Discusses any limitations to the studies included in the systematic review that you believe may impact use of the evidence provided in your project.


100 points




Grading Rubric: Evidence Summary

Assignment Criteria

A (100%)



Outstanding or highest level of performance

B (88%)



Very good or high level of performance

C (80%)



Competent or satisfactory level of performance

NI (38%)

Needs Improvement

Poor or failing level of performance

F (0%)



Unsatisfactory level of performance

Practice Problem

10 points

Practice problem is in own words, with reference to the population of interest.

Setting of the problem is identified

Magnitude of problem is discussed.

The practice issue is stated in measurable terms.

Met all objectives as stated above

10 points 

Practice problem is in own words, with reference to the population of interest.

Setting of the problem is not discussed.

Magnitude of problem is discussed.

The practice issue is stated in measurable terms. 

Met 3 out of 4objectives

9 points 

Practice problem is in own words, with reference to the population of interest.

Setting of the problem is not discussed.

Magnitude of problem is not discussed.

The practice issue is stated in measurable terms. 

Met 2 out of 4objectives

8 points 

Practice problem is in own words, with reference to the population of interest.

Setting of the problem is not discussed.

Magnitude of problem is not discussed.

The practice issue is stated but notmeasurable.

Met only 1 out of 4 objectives


Practice problem is not in own words

There are no references to the population of interest.

Setting and magnitude of problem is not discussed

The practice issue is not stated in measurable terms. 

Did not meet anyobjectives

0 points 

Source of evidence

20 points

Source of evidence is nursing topic.

Source is aSystematic Review article. 

Search terms are identified.

Complete reference is given for Systematic Review article.

Met all 4objectives as above

20 points 

Source of evidence is nursing topic.

Source is a Systematic Review article. 

Search terms are identified.

Complete reference is not given for Systematic Review article.

Met 3 out of 4objectives

18 points 

Source of evidence is nursing topic.

Source is not aSystematic Review article. 

Search terms are identified.

Complete reference is not given for Systematic Review article.

Met only 2 out of 2 objectives

16 points 

Source of evidence is not nursing topic.

Source is a Systematic Review article. 

Search terms arenot identified.

Complete reference is not given for Systematic Review article.

Met only 1 out of 4 objectives

8 points 

Source of evidence is not nursing topic or Systematic Review article.

Search terms arenot identified.

Reference is missing.

No objectives were met.

0 points 

Objectives of the article/ Statement of questions

20 points

Objectives of article are identified.

Questions being addressed by author/s are thorough

Relationship to your practice issue is explained.

20 points 

Objectives of article are identified.

Questions being addressed by author/s are explained but not thorough. 

Relationship to your practice issue is explained. 

18 points 

Objectives of article are identified.

Questions being addressed by author/s are not thorough. 

Relationship to your practice issue is vague

16 points 

Objectives of article are identified.

Questions being addressed by author/s is missing

Relationship to your practice issue is not explained. 

8 points 

Objectives of article are not identified.

Questions being addressed in article and relationship toown practice is not identified.

0 points 

Interventions/ Main findings summary 

30 points

Thoroughly summarized (in their own words) the interventions the author(s) suggest to improve patient outcomes.

Thoroughly summarized main findings of the author/s.

Included strength of evidence for each main outcome.

30 points 

Briefly summarized (in their own words) the interventions the author(s) suggest to improve patient outcomes.

Briefly summarized main findings of the author/s.

Included strength of evidence for each main outcome.

27 points 

Vaguely summarized (in their own words) the interventions the author(s) suggest to improve patient outcomes.

Vaguelysummarized main findings of the author/s.

Included strength of evidence for most of main outcomes.

25 points 

Summary of interventions is not in own words.

Summarized main findings of the author/s is not apparent. 

Did not include strength of evidence for any of the main outcome.

12 points 

Summary of the interventions the author(s) suggest to improve patient outcomes is missing. 

Summary of the main findings of the author is missing. 

The strength of the evidence for outcomes are missing. 

0 points 

Evidence-based solutions and limitations 

20 points

Outline of evidence-based solutions considered for project is documented and clear.

Discussed any limitations to the studies performed.

Documents limitationsbelieved may impact use in project.

20 points 

Outline of evidence-based solutions beingconsidered for project is documented but not clear.

Discussed any limitations to the studies performed.

Documents limitations believed may impact use in project.

18 points 

Outline of evidence-based solutions considered for project is documented but not clear.

Discussed most limitations to the studies performed.

Documents limitations believed may impact use in project.

16 points 

Outline of evidence-based solutions being considered for project is not documented.

Discussed mostlimitations to the studies performed.

Documents limitations believed may impact use in project.

8 points 

Outline of evidence-based solutions, limitations of studies and potential impact to project is missing.

0 points 

Total Points Possible = 100 points

NR451 W3 Milestone1 Practice Issue & Evidence Summary Guidelines 2/16/17    GH


 This is the guidelines 


2017-03-06 00:23

Chamberlain College of NursingNR451 RN Capstone Course

Capstone Project Milestone 1:

Practice Issue and Evidence Summary Worksheets


Student Name: Date:


1. Refer to the guidelines for specific details on how to complete this assignment.
2. Type your answers directly into the worksheets below.
3. Submit to the Dropbox by the end of Week 3, Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT.
4. Post questions about this assignment to the Q & A Forum. You may also email questions to the instructor for a private response.


Practice Issue Worksheet


What is the Practice Issue?



Define the scope of the Practice Issue:



What is the practice area?

___ Clinical

___ Education


___ Administration

___ Other (list)_________________________________

How was the practice issue identified?(check all that apply)

___ Safety/risk management concerns

___ Unsatisfactory patient outcomes

___ Wide variations in practice

___ Significant financial concerns



___ Difference between hospital and community practice

___ Clinical practice issue is a concern

___ Procedure or process is a time waster

___ Clinical practice issue has no scientific base

__ Other:

Describe the rationale for your checked selections:



What evidence must be gathered? (check all that apply)

___ Literature search

___ Guidelines

___ Expert Opinion

___ Patient Preferences

___ Clinical Expertise

___ Financial Analysis

___ Standards (Regulatory, professional, community)

___ Other


Describe the rationale for your checked selections: 




Evidence Summary Worksheet 

Directions: Please type your answers directly into the worksheet.


Describe the practice problem in your own words with reference to the identified population, setting and magnitude of the problem in measurable terms:



Find a source of evidence that is a systematic review article on a nursing topic that is relevant to your practice problem. Write the complete APA reference for the systematic review article you selected:


Define the search terms for your systematic review:



Identify the objectives of the article.


Provide a statement of the questions being addressed in the work and how they relate to your practice issue:



Summarize (in your own words) the interventions the author(s) suggest to improve patient outcomes.



Summarize the main findings by the authors of your systematic review including the strength of evidence for each main outcome.  Consider the relevance to your project proposal for the Milestone 2 project paper.



Outline evidence-based solutions that you will consider for your project.


Discuss any limitations to the studies performed that you believe impacts your ability to utilize the research in your project.




NR451 W3 MS1 Practice Issue and Evidence Summary Worksheets  2/16/17    GH



Clinical question



“The thoughtful development of a well-structured EBP question is important because the question drives the strategies used to search for evidence”. (Dearholt & Dang, 2012, p.64). My question is: Will Congestive Heart Failure patients discharged from the hospital increase the chance of not being readmitted within 30 days with follow up care that includes post discharge telephone calls for support? 


P- (Patient, Population)-Congestive Heart Failure Patients


I-(Intervention)-Follow up phone call at 48 and 72 hours post discharge


C-(Comparison with current practice)-No follow up telephone calls for support.


O-(Desired outcome)-Reduce the number of Readmissions






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